aurora tech award

Huna is a finalist for the Aurora Tech Award, a worldwide prize for women founders of tech startups

Huna is one of the 20 finalists for the Aurora Tech Award! We were represented by our CTO and co-founder Daniella Castro to compete with more than 600 high-level startups around the world, all led by inspiring women!

The award initiative, held annually, recognizes women founders of tech startups whose initiatives can generate a positive impact on global development. The jury, made up of some of the most relevant Venture Capital funds in the world, chose finalists projects that met criterias including: startups founded or co-founded and led by women entrepreneurs, operating for less than 5 years, and with at least one functional prototype (MVP). 

The startups’ potential were also assessed on scalability, product-market fit, potential market size and social impact of the initiative on society.

Check the shortlist of all finalists and their startups here.

The three Aurora Tech Award winners will be announced during an online ceremony on March 8. Register to attend the award ceremony broadcast here

Be rooting for Huna!

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